Touch 2 (a way of knowing)
TOUCH 2 (a way of knowing) again gathers 11 of the many talented material-based artists from the former David Kaye Gallery. Experienced creators working with textiles, ceramics, paper, woodcarving, silversmithing, printmaking and mixed media create art that is nuanced and tactile.
Artists: Dorothy Caldwell, Kai Chan, Ann Cummings, Susan Farquhar,
Vivienne Jones, Susan Warner Keene, Valerie Knapp, Susan Lindsay,
Susan Low-Beer, Lynne McIlvride and Loree Ovens
April 17 – May 5, 2024 at Propeller Gallery, Toronto
I am inspired by folk art, handmade things and pattern making around the world. I am drawn to the energy created from handmade objects and fascinated by the processes involved in their making. I find creating work very meditative and grounding. I enjoy pushing boundaries of my own practice and the constant learning that comes along with it. I am motivated to make work that sparks curiosity and a sense of wonder. - Loree Ovens